
Film Focus - Article On BORN TO DO IT
Click here to read the article

Grind, Sell Elevate - Podcast Interview with Tyzer Evans
Click here to listen

Talented Ladies Club - Podcast Interview with Hannah Martin
"Find out how Rebekah Louisa Smith followed her purpose from all the way from studying for a PhD in Aberystwyth all the way to working in the film industry in Hollywood! Completely reinventing yourself and changing direction is tough, but I know few people who have the bravery to turn their back on a secure academic career to follow their dream in the film industry.. and make it. In this video interview you can learn more about Rebekah Louisa Smith’s story, and find out why an abattoir was pivotal in launching her career as a film festival doctor."
Click here to watch

Biz Vision; BV-TV Network Texas - Television Interview
"Find your niche for business success says author Rebekah Louisa Smith on BV-TV Show."
Click here to watch

'An English Girl In Mexico' Talented Ladies Club - Special Article
Click here to read the article

The Business of Filmmaking - Interview with Dr. Rebekah Louisa Smith
Click here to listen
As seen in